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Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Hearts


Valentine's Day is right around the corner! What could be cuter than giving your Valentine a dozen of these creamy peanut butter filled chocolate hearts? 

Reese's makes peanut butter eggs for Easter and trees for Christmas, so I thought, "Why not make hearts?"

It was so easy, fun and delicious! Here's how I made them:


Use a cookie cutter with a simple shape. Sharp, small corners tend to trap the dough and make it difficult to remove for dipping in chocolate. (stars & trees did not work, but the heart & flower shapes worked well).

Use a mini cookie cutter that is small, 1"-2". Smaller shapes are easier to dip and coat with chocolate. The gingerbread men in the picture below were difficult to coat due to their larger size. The mini heart cookie cutter I used is about 1.75" wide,

1. Use this Creamy Peanut Butter Cup recipe, simply roll out the chilled dough between two sheets of plastic wrap to desired thickness. For these hearts, I rolled my dough 3/4" thick. 

Rolling dough between sheets of plastic wrap

2. Dip cookie cutter into powdered sugar and then into the rolled peanut butter dough.

3. Re-roll any scraps and cut out shapes till all the dough is used.

4. Use a dinner fork to dip the cut shapes, as shown in the video here. If the cut shapes are too soft, put them back into the fridge to firm up before dipping.

There are a LOT of uses for mini heart cookie cutters:

  • candies (peanut butter, caramels, etc)
  • pepperoni
  • pie crust edge
  • fondant for cake/cookie decorating
  • finger foods: veggies, cheese, etc.
  • bath bombs
  • petit fours sandwiches
I hope you try making these fun & cute peanut butter hearts. If you want to make some assorted chocolate candies, take a look at what I made HERE. Enjoy!


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