Lane Ends.
Road Work Next 5 miles.
Proceed With Caution.
No Outlet.
I have this urge to de-cluttter. Simplify. Somehow, this hits me around Fall and Spring.
Do you ever get that feeling?
As some of you may have noticed, I have been doing some changes on my blog. It started with the title of my blog. "Lovin' from the Oven" is currently in use by two other bloggers, long before I started this blog. My blog address has Frieda Loves Bread in it and so does my email. It makes sense to title my blog with the same name, don'cha think?
Who would have thought that changing a blog name would be simple? It had a huge ripple effect! These "Road Signs" popped up everywhere!
I changed my domain. I no longer have Blogspot in my url address, but Blogger should re-direct you to my new address! Talk about a process!
I appreciate your patience.
I love having you as a loyal reader. If you are not getting your RSS feeds, email blog posts, or if a link doesn't work, please let me know. You may need to update your RSS feed. If so, I've included a Follow FLB page at the top of my blog.
I love having my blog link on your blog lists! If you have a moment, please change the title to Frieda Loves Bread. Thank you!
I'm in the process of creating some drop-down menus for the Label List and for the Post Archives. Have any other ideas?
What would you like to see on my blog? Off my blog? Come on, give it to me. I can take it.
As for me, I'm looking forward to this sign.
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