
1 Can't Find My Posts?

A few of my readers have tried searching my blog, and are unable to find certain posts.  The Google search box (plus the Blogger search box hidden at the top of my page) are not finding the posts they need to find.


What to do?  After some research, I think it is because I switched my blog to a custom domain (removed "blogspot" from my URL) which is now friedalovesbread[dot]com.  Google considers this URL as "new" has not indexed all my posts.  It will take a few months before it is fully working again.   


For now, you can go here:  Frieda Loves Bread Recipe Box to view ALL my recipes.  This is a Google Site that has a search box at the top right hand corner that actually works.

Please email me at friedalovesbread[at]gmail[dot]com if you are unable to find a post and I will respond PDQ with a link!  This will be helpful if you need to find a post with a tip, ie. roasting garlic or brown-n-serve rolls.

Thanks for being a loyal reader,



1 comment:

  1. The same thing happened to me when I switched over. It's getting better but still not finding posts the way it did before I switched.


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